3. Trading draft picks is not permitted during the draft.
4. Team owners are to reduce rosters down to 20 after
the draft if the draft increases their roster size over this limit.
5. The Commissioner retains the right to adjust any team roster as necessary anytime after the draft has concluded.
B. Waiver Wire
1. The waiver wire opens for the season at the conclusion of the player draft.
2. The waiver wire is available weekly during the regular season, Tuesdays though Saturdays, or up until the night before
a game start. Team owners have until 11:59 pm on each of these evenings to claim players from the
waiver wire. One player pickup per waiver wire evening is permitted, allowing up to 5 players awarded per team per week. Waiver
wire claims are awarded on a worst-to-first weekly standings basis.
3. Players released to the waiver wire will be “protected” free agents and may not be picked up by another
team for at least 7 days.
4. The waiver wire closes for the season on the night before the start of the Week #13 games. The waiver wire will not
be available to any team owner during the postseason or offseason.
C. Trade
1. Trading opens for the season at the conclusion of the player draft.
2. Unlimited trading. However, frequent offering and trading amongst the same two team owners may become scrutinized
by the Commissioner and appointed trade review committees.
3. There is no limit of players that may be involved
in one trade.
4. The Commissioner strives to approve or veto all trades within 48 hours of the team owner trade
agreement. However, the Commissioner retains the right to appoint a random trade review committee at any time to advise and
assist with any decision that may involve any trade.
5. The Commissioner will make every attempt to have each
trade approved promptly and in time for the start of EFL games. However, team owners should be aware that if a trade is made
late in the week and is subjected to a committee review, there is no guarantee that the trade may be completed in time
for the start of their game.
6. Team owners may appeal any vetoed trade. The appeal will be in the form of an online poll for
a league vote. 12 team owners must agree, within a 48-hour time limit, to approve the trade and to overturn the veto or else
the veto stands.
7.Team owners may
challenge to overturn any approved trade. The challenge will be in the form of an online poll for a league vote. 12 team owners
must agree, within a 48-hour time limit, that the trade should be overturned before a trade reversal can occur.
8. Regular season trading closes for the season on the night before the start of the Week #11 games.
9. Draft picks for the following season may not be traded during the regular season.